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Uploaded 2-Nov-23
Taken 3-Oct-23
Visitors 46
3 of 33 photos


Third Place Winner
Total judging points: 23
Judges Comments:
#1 This photo is driven by a story. Two photographers apparently working together to capture an image. Are they friends? Is one a teacher and the other a student? Are they classmates? We don’t know, but this composition made me stop and wonder and rate this a strong image. Well done! Visually, I love how the grass in the foreground is leaning toward the direction the photographers are shooting. That, plus the direction of the camera and the stance and implied glaze of the photographers all harmonize to guide the eye toward the secondary subject (I presume) of the lone evergreen. The color harmony and overall color balance is very appealing, with the pinks and blues in the sky harmonizing with the warm tans of the foreground. This photo does a really nice job of capturing the ambiance of nature photography. And it was taken with an iPhone!
Apple iPhone 13 Pro, f/1.5 @ 5.7 mm, 1/265, ISO 40, No Flash
